Special Discount Opportunity for Win-Win for the Greater Good

Now also available on Kindle

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I am thrilled with the exceptional testimonials and reviews for Win-Win for the Greater Good, the most comprehensive “how-to” guidebook on the development of cross-sector partnerships – partnerships between the nonprofit, for-profit, education and government sectors.

Called a “must-read for any organization” by Howard Behar, President (retired) Starbucks Coffee, Win-Win provides a proven-effective 12-step process based on over 35 years of partnership development on the local, regional and national levels.

To receive a 20% discount ($4) off the $19.95 retail price of the book, visit http://www.createspace.com/4384579 and in the checkout process put the following code in the box: JHHVKMHW.

Casey Sheehan, CEO, Patagonia stated, “Win-Win for the Greater Good provides the how-to blueprint for organizations of any size any sector to build highly productive partnerships. It reveals the true essence of success-focusing on the business objectives of your partner, while striving together to create a greater good.”

Peggy Duvette, former Executive Director of WiserEarth
said, “Worth its weight in fundraising goal. Win-Win for the Greater Good turns the tables on traditional approaches to nonprofit/for-profit funding relationships. It challenges you to build a business value proposition and provides 30 ways to beneficially impact your organization through partnerships, while greatly increasing your service impact.”

“Win-Win, lucidly captures Bruce Burtch’s decades of practitioner wisdom on cross-sector partnerships. The book is filled with rich examples and insightful practical guidance on how to build powerful partnerships. Read it and learn from a master!” James E. Austin, Professor Emeritus, Harvard Business School.

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